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Workers Tribune No. 2

Summer/Fall 2019

Jim Robertson


Jim Robertson, a central founder of the Spartacist League/U.S. and the International Communist League, died in early April. He was 90 years old and had been a member of the workers movement for more than 70 years. He remained an active collaborator and an essential component of the leadership of the SL/U.S. and of the ICL up until the very end.

His death is a tremendous loss to the ICL. We extend our condolences to Jim’s family and his numerous friends and comrades.

A thorough appreciation of Jim’s life and work will be published in an upcoming issue of Workers Vanguard, newspaper of the SL/U.S.


Workers Tribune No. 2

WT 2

Summer/Fall 2019


“Fight the Right” Reformists Beat Drums for Liberals and NDP

We Need a New Ruling Class — The Workers!


U.S. Imperialists Ramp Up Trade/Tech War

Trudeau Liberals Push Anti-China Scare Campaign

Defend, Extend Gains of 1949 Chinese Revolution!


Jim Robertson



À bas les attaques anglo-chauvines contre les Franco-Ontariens !


Down With Anglo-Chauvinist Attacks on Franco-Ontarians!


Internationalist Group: Anglo-Chauvinist Trash

Hate Quebec Independence, Hate the ICL


No Illusions in Canadian Multiculturalism! Independence for Quebec!

Quebec: Down With Anti-Muslim Headscarf Law!


Behind the Mask of Fightback: Neither Socialism nor Independence

For a Binational Leninist Party!