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Workers Hammer No. 229

Winter 2014-2015

For the Communism of Lenin, Liebknecht and Luxemburg!

Quote of the issue

Upholding the revolutionary traditions of the early Communist International, we honour Bolshevik leader VI Lenin, who died in January 1924, and Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, founding leaders of the German Communist Party who were assassinated in January 1919 as part of the Social Democratic government’s suppression of the Spartakist uprising. In the article quoted below Luxemburg, writing in prison in September 1918, sought to assess the Russian October Revolution and its lessons for the German workers movement.

Only a party which knows how to lead, that is, to advance things, wins support in stormy times. The determination with which, at the decisive moment, Lenin and his comrades offered the only solution which could advance things (“all power in the hands of the proletariat and peasantry”), transformed them almost overnight from a persecuted, slandered, outlawed minority whose leader had to hide like [18th century French revolutionary Jean-Paul] Marat in cellars, into the absolute master of the situation.

Moreover, the Bolsheviks immediately set as the aim of this seizure of power a complete, far-reaching revolutionary program: not the safeguarding of bourgeois democracy, but a dictatorship of the proletariat for the purpose of realizing socialism. Thereby they won for themselves the imperishable historic distinction of having for the first time proclaimed the final aim of socialism as the direct program of practical politics.

Whatever a party could offer of courage, revolutionary far-sightedness and consistency in a historic hour, Lenin, Trotsky and the other comrades have given in good measure. All the revolutionary honor and capacity which western Social-Democracy lacked were represented by the Bolsheviks. Their October uprising was not only the actual salvation of the Russian Revolution; it was also the salvation of the honor of international socialism.

— Rosa Luxemburg, “The Russian Revolution” (September 1918), reprinted in Rosa Luxemburg Speaks


Workers Hammer No. 229

WH 229

Winter 2014-2015


Unchain the unions!

Down with austerity, anti-immigrant racism!


Kurdish nationalists join imperialist onslaught

Down with US/British war against ISIS!


For the Communism of Lenin, Liebknecht and Luxemburg!

Quote of the issue



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Rosa Luxemburg on the Opium Wars


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For proletarian political revolution in China!

