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Workers Hammer No. 229

Winter 2014-2015


In the article “ZA Bhutto: enemy of workers, Bangladesh independence” (Workers Hammer no 228, Autumn 2014), we referred to “chief minister Khalil of the NWFP” who was dismissed by Bhutto in 1973. He was the governor and not chief minister of the NWFP. His full name was Arbab Sikander Khan Khalil. In the introduction to the same article, we said that Part I of this two-part series was in Workers Hammer no 226, Spring 2014. It was in fact in Workers Hammer no 227, Summer 2014.

In the article “Ireland: anti-abortion hell for women” (Workers Hammer no 228, Autumn 2014), the young woman’s hunger strikes took place over two weeks and not three.


Workers Hammer No. 229

WH 229

Winter 2014-2015


Unchain the unions!

Down with austerity, anti-immigrant racism!


Kurdish nationalists join imperialist onslaught

Down with US/British war against ISIS!


For the Communism of Lenin, Liebknecht and Luxemburg!

Quote of the issue



Gays and the 1984-85 miners strike

Pride: a celebration of solidarity


Bloody British imperialism's hand in Iraq war


From the archives of Marxism

British imperialism and the subjugation of China

Rosa Luxemburg on the Opium Wars


Down with the monarchy and the United Kingdom!

For a federation of workers republics in the British Isles!

Behind Scotland's no vote on independence


Hong Kong protests: spearhead for capitalist counterrevolution

Expropriate the Hong Kong tycoons!

For proletarian political revolution in China!

