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Spartacist South Africa No. 11

Winter 2014

Clarification on East Ukraine Population

In the above article the use of the term “interpenetrated peoples” in regard to eastern Ukraine was misleading. This heavily assimilated, predominantly Russian-speaking area, inhabited by both ethnic Ukrainians and ethnic Russians, is more accurately described as a territory of mixed population. The term “interpenetrated peoples” for us is not simply a sociological characterization but has programmatic significance, describing situations where two or more antagonistic peoples have claims to the same territory (e.g., Israel/Palestine or Northern Ireland). In such cases, the democratic right of national self-determination—that is, the right to form a separate state—cannot be achieved for one people under capitalism without violating the rights of the others. In eastern Ukraine, there is no national conflict between ethnic Ukrainians and ethnic Russians, as indicated by the turnout and overwhelming vote for “self-rule”in the May 11 referendums in Donetsk and Luhansk provinces.

Spartacist South Africa No. 11

SSA 11

Winter 2014


Kiev Unleashes Fascist Terror in Odessa

U.S. Imperialism Behind Bloody Repression in Ukraine

For the Right of Self-Rule in Donetsk, Luhansk!


Clarification on East Ukraine Population


Elections 2014: Twenty Years of Neo-Apartheid Misery

For Proletarian Independence From ANC, EFF and ALL Bourgeois Parties!

Forge a Leninist-Trotskyist Vanguard Party!


From the Archives of Women and Revolution:

Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx’s Partner, on:

The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State


Struggles of the Poor in the Western Cape

Brutality and Vindictive Cruelty of the Democratic Alliance


Leon Trotsky on: The Transitional Program

The Death Agony of Capitalism


Victory to South African Platinum Miners!

Bitter Strike in Fourth Month