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Subscribe to Spartacist South Africa
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Vavi Faction Uses Bosses' Courts Against Union

Capitalist State: Hands Off NUMSA!

Spartacist South Africa Leaflet, 4 August 2022


The Crisis in SAFTU and the Fight for Revolutionary Leadership

Break With the Labour Traitors—For Black Proletarian Power!

Jim vs. Vavi: Both Factions Bankrupt

Spartacist South Africa Leaflet, 19 July 2022


Spartacist/South Africa Statement on COVID-19 Crisis:

We Need a New Ruling Class–The Workers!

Neo-Apartheid Lockdown Brings Starvation, State Terror

Spartacist South Africa Supplement, 11 May 2020


Spartacist South Africa No. 17, February 2020


For Workers Defence Guards to Defend Immigrants!

13 September 2019


Open Letter to the Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party

23 April 2019


Spartacist South Africa No. 16, February 2019


Spartacist South Africa No. 15, January 2018


Spartacist South Africa No. 14, January 2017


Spartacist South Africa No. 13, Spring 2015


Free Mcebo Dlamini and All Student Protesters Now!

Drop All Charges, Reinstate All FMF Protesters!

Police and Security Guards off Campus!

Spartacist South Africa Leaflet, 19 October 2016


Mass Student Protests Demand Free Education NOW

Down with Police Repression!
Workers Must Mobilise in Solidarity with Fees Protests!

Spartacist South Africa Leaflet, 22 September 2016


Revisionist Minority Splits from SSA

The Fight for a South African Section of the ICL

Spartacist South Africa Supplement, April 2016


On Coloured Marginalisation and the Fight for a Black-Centred Workers Government

For a Leninist Vanguard Party, Tribune of All the Oppressed!

Spartacist South Africa Supplement, December 2015


Spartacist South Africa No. 12, Summer 2015


Spartacist South Africa No. 11, Winter 2014


Spartacist South Africa No. 10, Spring 2013


Spartacist South Africa No. 9, Winter 2013


NUMSA Workers: Don’t Be Fooled By “New” Class-Collaborationist Tricks

Break With the Bourgeois Tripartite Alliance!
Forge a Leninist-Trotskyist Party to Fight for a Black-Centred Workers Government!

Spartacist South Africa Leaflet, 11 December 2013


Spartacist South Africa No. 8, Winter 2012


The Lonmin Massacre:

ANC/SACP/COSATU Tripartite Alliance
Government’s Hands Covered in Blood
of Striking Black Mineworkers

Spartacist South Africa Leaflet, 23 August 2012


Spartacist South Africa No. 7, Winter 2011


Anti-Immigrant Attacks Mount as Mass Deportations Loom

Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants!
No Deportations!

Spartacist South Africa Leaflet, 25 June 2011


On the Killing of Fascist Terre’Blanche

Black Oppression Under Neo-Apartheid Capitalism

Break With the Bourgeois Tripartite Alliance!

For a Black-Centred Workers Government!

Spartacist South Africa Supplement, May 2010


Spartacist South Africa No. 6, Summer 2009/2010


Spartacist South Africa No. 5, Spring 2007


ANC's Neo-Apartheid Capitalism

AIDS Ravages South Africa

Free HIV Drugs for All!

Spartacist South Africa No. 4, Spring/Summer 2004