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Spartacist English edition No. 66

Spring 2020


In “The Struggle Against the Chauvinist Hydra,” Spartacist (English edition) No. 65 (Summer 2017), we wrote: “The South Slavs played a reactionary role in the crushing of the revolutions of 1848-49 as foot soldiers for the reactionary great powers of that epoch (Prussia, the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire).”

In fact, the latter was at that time the Austrian Empire: the Austro-Hungarian Empire was established only in 1867.


English Spartacist No. 66

ESp 66

Spring 2020

Down With the EU!

· IEC Plenum: Fighting Centrist Bending
  to the European Union

· ICL Statement: No Participation
  in EU Pseudo-Parliament!


A Tribute to Lewis Henry Morgan

On the Genesis of Women’s Oppression

(Women and Revolution pages)


James Robertson



Edward Cliffel



Victor Granovsky



République ouvrière and Workers Tribune:

Raising the Banner of Leninism!

For Quebec Independence and Socialism!


ICL Expels Members of Polish Section


Correction: On the Spartacist League/Australia and the 1991 New South Wales General Strike




A Trotskyist Program and Tactics in Postwar France

May 1946 Constitution: Why the PCI Was Right to Vote Yes