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Spartacist English edition No. 65

Summer 2017


We introduced an error in our translation of Gregory Zinoviev’s August 1915 article “Pacifism or Marxism (The Misadventures of a Slogan)” in Spartacist (English edition) No. 64 (Summer 2014). The article included a quote from Rosa Luxemburg at the German Social Democracy’s 1900 Mainz conference. We translated one sentence of the quote as: “But as soon as there’s a real war, we forget to draw the practical conclusions from it and to show that our years-long agitation has not borne any fruit.” In fact, there is no negative in the sentence, which should read: “But as soon as there’s a real war, we forget to draw the practical conclusions from it and to show that our years-long agitation has borne fruit.”


English Spartacist No. 65

ESp 65

Summer 2017


Introduction to the Conference Document


The Struggle Against the Chauvinist Hydra

Document of the Seventh International Conference of the International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)




Correction: On Bangladesh and the 1971 India-Pakistan War


A Correction to Our Militant Labour Pamphlet

The Police and the 1918-19 German Revolution