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Spartacist English edition No. 64

Summer 2014


The map of the Baltic Sea region adapted from Holt, Rinehart and Winston and printed on p. 48 in Spartacist (English edition) No. 63 (Winter 2012-13) mistakenly identified the Scandinavian peninsula west of the Gulf of Bothnia as Finland. Finland is situated east of the Gulf of Bothnia.


English Spartacist No. 64

ESp 64

Summer 2014


Fruits of Stalinist Class Collaboration

Greece 1940s: A Revolution Betrayed


Clara Zetkin and the Struggle for the Third International

(Women and Revolution pages)


ICL Letter to Revolutionary History, 1991

Against Reformist Apologists for Ukrainian Fascism


From the Archives of Marxism

Bolshevik Policy in World War I

"Pacifism or Marxism" by Gregory Zinoviev

