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Spartacist English edition No. 61

Spring 2009


Following the Fifth ICL Conference in 2007, there was further discussion and reconsideration of our appraisal at the conference that, as reported in the article “Maintaining a Revolutionary Program in the Post-Soviet Period” in Spartacist No. 60 (Autumn 2007), Mexico had witnessed “a huge plebeian upheaval against increases in the price of basic foods.” There were indeed massive protests and bitterly fought strikes in Mexico in the year leading into the ICL Conference. But as a subsequent plenum of the International Executive Committee noted, the description of the response to the price increases was “an impressionistic exaggeration of political motion in Mexico.” In fact, there was only one significant demonstration against increases in the price of tortillas, and the situation was defused.

English Spartacist No. 60

ESp 61

Spring 2009


Down With Executive Offices of the Capitalist State!

Marxist Principles and Electoral Tactics


Against Apologists for the Treachery of the POUM, Then and Now

Trotskyism vs. Popular Frontism in the Spanish Civil War


Women Workers and the Contradictions of China Today

Defend China Against Imperialism, Counterrevolution!
For Workers Political Revolution!

(Women and Revolution Pages)


Gérard Le Méteil, 1959–2007



