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Australasian Spartacist No. 224

Spring 2014


The article “U.S. Imperialism Behind Bloody Repression in Ukraine—For the Right of Self-Rule in Donetsk, Luhansk!” (ASp No. 223, Winter 2014), noted that a key reason for the imperialist-backed coup that ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich in February was that he had accepted an aid package from Russia “rather than implement austerity demanded by the International Monetary Fund as part of the deal for Ukraine to join the EU (European Union).” In fact, the austerity was tied not to EU membership but to a trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine, which was finally signed on 27 June.


Australasian Spartacist No. 224

ASP 224

Spring 2014


Down With "War on Terror" Government Repression!

U.S./Australia Out of Iraq, Syria!


Zionist Bloodbath in Gaza Backed by Canberra

Defend the Palestinians!


Down With Zionist-Led Witchhunt Against Pro-Palestinian Activists!


World War I and the Betrayal by Social Democracy


On Malaysia Airlines MH17 Disaster


The Cliffites and the Ukrainian Nationalists

Once They Were (Cold) Warriors




As U.S. Imperialists Tighten Vice on China

Vietnamese Stalinists Fuel Anti-China Frenzy

For Workers Political Revolution from Hanoi to Beijing!


Free Chelsea Manning!


Cops, National Guard Out Now!

Ferguson: The Real Face of Racist Capitalist America