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International Communist League
Home Spartacist, theoretical and documentary repository of the ICL, incorporating Women & Revolution Workers Vanguard, biweekly organ of the Spartacist League/U.S. Periodicals and directory of the sections of the ICL ICL Declaration of Principles in multiple languages Other literature of the ICL ICL events


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Then and Now
1934 Strikes: Class-Struggle Leadership Made a Key Difference

Pamphlet also contains:
“Leon Trotsky on 'Workers’ and Farmers’' Parties”
“The Minnesota F.L.P. - Six Years of Confusion and Disappointment
in a Two-Class Party, By Vincent R. Dunne”
“Revolutionary Teamsters - The Minneapolis Truckers’ Strikes of 1934, by Bryan D. Palmer,
A Review and Commentary by E. Tanner”
July 2015

24 pages
US$1 A$1 75p CDN$1 €1 R2

Imperialism, the "Global Economy" and Labor Reformism

Karl Marx Was Right


In Defense of Science and Marxism

Pamphlet also contains:

"Science and the Battle Against Racism and Obscurantism"

"Kinsey, A Review"

"Capitalist Reaction and Anti-Vaccine Hysteria"

"Capitalism and Global Warming"

"A Marxist Critique of the 'New Atheists'"

"Pseudoscience, Snake Oil and Stalinism in China"


56 pages
US$2 A$2 £1.50 CDN$2 €1.50 R4


Karl Marx Was Right

Karl Marx Was Right
Capitalist Anarchy and the Immiseration of the Working Class

For Workers Revolution!
For an International Planned Socialist Economy!


56 pages
US$2 A$2 £1.50 CDN$2 €1.50 R4


The Development and Extension of Leon Trotsky’s Theory of Permanent Revolution

Pamphlet also contains:
“A Trotskyist Critique of Germany 1923 and the Comintern,”
“Down with Executive Offices of the Capitalist State!”

56 pages
US$2 A$2 £1.50 CDN$2 €1.50 R4

Imperialism, the "Global Economy" and Labor Reformism

The Logan Dossier
Documentary Evidence and Testimony in the August 1979 Trial and Expulsion of Bill Logan from the international Spartacist tendency for Crimes Against Communist Morality and Elementary Human Decency



189 pages in two volumes • Each volume: US$5 A$6 Cdn$6 £3


Imperialism, the "Global Economy" and Labor Reformism
Marxism vs. Anarchism

Marxism vs. Anarchism


56 pages $2

Programmatic Statement of the SL/U.S.

Programmatic Statement of the Spartacist League/U.S.: For Socialist Revolution in the Bastion of World Imperialism!


40 pages $2

Imperialism, the "Global Economy"
and Labor Reformism


32 pages $2

Imperialism, the "Global Economy" and Labor Reformism

Enlightenment Rationalism and the Origins of Marxism


48 pages $2

Enlightenment Rationalism and the Origins of Marxism
Lenin and the Vanguard Party

Lenin and the Vanguard Party

Published 1978
Second printing of
second edition, 2005

56 pages $2

How the Soviet Workers State Was Strangled

How the Soviet Workers State Was Strangled

64 pages $2

Marxist Bulletin No. 5
What Strategy for Black Liberation?

Trotskyism vs. Black Nationalism:
Key Documents and articles 1955-1978
Fourth printing of revised edition, 1994

72 pages $1.50

Marxist Bulletin No. 5

The Stalin School of Falsification Revisited

48 pages $1

The Stalin School of Falsification Revisited

· The Fight For a Revolutionary Vanguard Party: Polemics on the South African Left (1997), 40 pages $1

· On the United Front (reprint of Young Communist Bulletin No. 3, second printing, 1996), 16 pages $1

· Militant Labour's touching faith in the capitalist state (1994), 32 pages $1

· Trotskyism: What It Isn't and What It Is! (1990), 24 pages $1

· "Market Socialism" in Eastern Europe (1988), 32 pages $1

· The Socialist Workers Party: An Obituary (1984), 24 pages $.75

· KAL 007: U.S. War Provocation (1983), 24 pages $.50

· American Workers Revolution Needs Black Leadership (1982), 40 pages $1

· El Salvador: Military Victory to Leftist Insurgents! (1982), 40 pages $1

· Solidarność: Polish Company Union for CIA and Bankers (1981), 40 pages $1

· Moreno Truth Kit (1979), 40 pages $.75

· The Great Coal Strike of 1978 (1978), 96 pages $1.50

· Why the U.S.S.R. Is Not Capitalist (1977), 96 pages $2

· Youth, Class and Party: Basic Documents of the Spartacus Youth League (1974 edition), 24 pages $.25

Hate Trotskyism, Hate the Spartacist League—a bulletin series of opponent material

· No. 1 Documents by and polemics with the RMG of Canada $3

· No. 2 Documents by and polemics with the Communist Internationalist Group (U.S.) $1.50

· No. 3 Documents by and polemics with the Workers League (U.S.) $2.75

· No. 4 1917, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Journal of the Bolshevik Tendency) $1

· No. 5 The Bolshevik Tendency $2

· No. 6 From Malice to Provocation (Germany) $2

· No. 7 Document by and polemic with the JCR of France $2

· No. 8 The Bolshevik Tendency: From the Snake Pit of Anti-Spartacism $4

· No. 9 The Norden "Group": Polymorphous Opportunism $5

· No. 10 More on the Norden Group—from the Bolshevik Tendency and the Workers League/Socialist Equality Party $1.50

· No. 11 David North's "ICFI": From Support to Capitalist Counterrevolution in the USSR to Great Russian Chauvinism (1997), 24 pages $1.50

· No. 12 ICL Trotskyism vs. Mandelite "Left" Polish Nationalism (1999), 24 pages $1.50

· Hate Trotskyism, Hate the Spartacists (Spartacist League/Britain) No. 1, Workers Power and the Irish Workers Group (1990), 42 pages $2

· Hate Trotskyism, Hate the Spartacists (Spartacist South Africa) No. 1, A Reply to the Workers International Vanguard League (1998), 36 pages $2

Selected Bulletins

· Marxist Bulletin No. 7, The Leninist Position on Youth-Party Relations (1967), [reprinted] $2

· Marxist Bulletin No. 8, Cuba and Marxist Theory (1978), [reprinted] $3

· The Fight for a Trotskyist Party in Brazil—Correspondence Between the International Communist League and Luta Metalúrgica/Liga Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil, in English, Portuguese and Spanish, International Bulletin No. 41, published by the International Secretariat (April 1997), 186 pages $7

· Norden's "Group": Shamefaced Defectors From Trotskyism, International Bulletin No. 38, published by the International Secretariat (Third Edition, November 1996), 152 pages $6

· The International Bolshevik Tendency—What Is It? 12 pages (1995), $1

· Lutte Ouvrière and Spark. Workerism and National Narrowness, 101 pages (1988), $5

· On the Logan Regime. Part 1: 82 pages, Part 2: 44 pages, Part 3: 79 pages, $3 each

Click here for list of Black History and the Class Struggle