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International Communist League
Home Spartacist, theoretical and documentary repository of the ICL, incorporating Women & Revolution Workers Vanguard, biweekly organ of the Spartacist League/U.S. Periodicals and directory of the sections of the ICL ICL Declaration of Principles in multiple languages Other literature of the ICL ICL events

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Bound Volumes of ICL Publications

Spartacist (English edition)
Volume 1: Issues 1 to 20, February 1964–July 1971 (out of stock)
Available online at
Volume 2: Issues 21 to 30, Autumn 1972–Autumn 1980 (out of stock)
Available online at
Volume 3: Issues 31-32 to 40, Summer 1981–Summer 1987 (out of stock)
Available online at
Volume 4: Issues 41-42 to 47-48, Winter 1987-88–Winter 1992-93
Available online at
Volume 5: Issues 49-50 to 54, Winter 1993-94–Spring 1998 (out of stock)
Available online at
Volume 6: Issues 55 to 58, Autumn 1999–Spring 2004
Available online at
Volume 7: Issues 59 to 63, Spring 2006–Winter 2012-13
Available online at
Spartacist (French edition)
Volume 1: Issues 1 to 14, May 1972–December 1977
Volume 2: Issues 15-16 to 26, Spring 1980–Spring 1991
Spartacist (German edition)
Volume 1: Issues 1 to 10, Spring 1974–Winter 1981-82
Volume 2: Issues 11 to 18, Winter 1983-84–Spring 1997
Volume 3: Issues 19 to 24, Winter 1997-98–Summer 2004
Volume 4: Issues 25 to 30, Spring 2006–Winter 2014
(Spanish edition)
Volume 1: Issues 1 to 10, 1974–February 1982
Price per volume (includes postage):
Spartacist (English edition) Volumes 5 and 6:
US$75 €75 £75 Rand150 A$75 Cdn$75
All others:
US$30 €30 £20 Rand60 A$30 Cdn$30

Women and Revolution

Journal of the Women's Commission
of the Spartacist League/U.S.

Volume 1: Issues 1 to 20, May/June 1971–Spring 1980
Volume 2: Issues 21 to 36, Winter 1980-81–Spring 1989 (out of stock)
Volume 3: Issues 37 to 45, Spring 1990–Winter/Spring 1996
Price per volume (includes postage):
Volume 1: US$27 €27 £18 Rand54 A$27 Cdn$27
Volume 3: US$30 €30 £20 Rand60 A$30 Cdn$30

Workers Vanguard

Organ of the Spartacist League/U.S.
Volumes 1 to 47, 1970 through 2016, include one year of WV except:
Volume 1 includes 1970-73, Volumes 4 to 9 include six months each of WV weekly, 1976-78.
(Volumes 1-3, 11, 13-15, 20, 21, 23, 25, 29, 36, 37 out of stock)

Full List of Workers Vanguard Bound Volumes in PDF and other formats at

Price per volume (includes postage):
Volumes 1-35—US$35 €35 £25 Rand70 A$30 Cdn$35
Volumes 36-47—US$90 €90 £90 Rand180 A$90 Cdn$90

Young Spartacus

YSp No. 1 and 2 (out of stock)

Kommunistische Korrespondenz

Die Vorläuferzeitung des Spartakist, wurde von der
Trotzkistischen Liga Deutschlands (anfangs vom Berliner Komitee) herausge­geben,
die später in die SpAD aufging.

Band 1: Nr. 1–16 (Februar 1974 bis Dezember 1976)
Band 2: Nr. 17–30 (Februar 1977 bis April 1980)

Price per volume (includes postage):
US$55 €40


NR. 1 (7. Dezember 1989) bis Nr. 30 (10. April 1990), einschließlich Flugblätter €20
Arprekorr wurde in der wichtigsten Phase der sich entfaltenden proletarisch-politischen
Revolution in der DDR fast täglich herausgegeben (in Auflagen von bis zu 50 000 Stück).

All volumes are indexed and available on microfilm.
Discounts of 10% are available on orders of 5 or more bound volumes of any combination.
Order from/pay to: Spartacist Publishing Co.
Box 1377 GPO, New York, NY 10116, USA