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Workers Hammer No. 227

Summer 2014


In the article “Crimea is Russian” in Workers Hammer no 226, Spring 2014, we referred to “General Anders Fogh Rasmussen”. The secretary general of NATO is not in fact a military general.

In the same issue, the article “Communalism in India: tool of capitalist rule” said that the British rulers introduced separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims in 1906. In fact it was 1909.

Workers Hammer No. 227

WH 227

Summer 2014


India: Hindu far right sweeps elections

For a socialist federation of South Asia!


Reformist left: shills for NATO imperialists over Ukraine


From the archives of Marxism

Constituent assembly versus working-class power


Tony Cliff, the SWP and the Ukrainian nationalists

Once they were (Cold) Warriors


In honour of Wally Roberts, 1935-2014


Pakistan 1968-69: Hidden history of the workers upsurge

ZA Bhutto: enemy of workers, Bangladesh independence

(Part I)

