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Workers Hammer No. 196

Autumn 2006

Workers Hammer Subscription Drive

23 September—4 November
Quota: 200 points

The Fourth International and the Near East

(Quote of the Week)

Our Marxist perspective for a socialist federation of the Near East is counterposed to that of reformists such as the SWP who argue that the solution lies in pressuring imperialist powers such as Blair’s Britain to intervene and looking to the United Nations to broker “peace”. The statement below, excerpted from “The Trotskyist Position in Palestine” published by the Revolutionary Communist League of Palestine on the impending UN partition that established the state of Israel in 1948, decisively refutes these reformist arguments and puts forward a proletarian revolutionary programme.

Politicians and diplomats are still trying to find a formula for the disastrous situation into which Palestine has been plunged by the UNO deciding upon partition. Is this a “breach of international peace” or are we dealing with merely “hostile acts”? As far as we are concerned there is no point in this distinction. We are daily witnessing the killing or maiming of men and women, old and young, Jew or Arab. As always, the working masses and the poor suffer most.

Not so very long ago the Arab and Jewish workers were united in strikes against a foreign oppressor. This common struggle has been put to an end. Today the workers are being incited to kill each other. The inciters have succeeded….

“Keeping order” in Palestine costs England over 35 million Pounds a year, an amount which exceeds the profit she can extort from this country. Partition will release her from her financial obligations, enable her to employ her soldiers in the productive process while her source of income will remain intact. — But this is not all. By partition a wedge is driven between the Arab and Jewish worker. The Zionist state with its provocative lines of demarcation will bring about the blossoming forth of irredentist (revenge) movements on either side, there will be fighting for an “Arab Palestine” and for a “Jewish state within the historic frontiers of Eretz Israel (Israel’s Land).” As a result, the chauvinistic atmosphere created thus will poison the Arab world in the Middle East and throttle the anti-imperialist fight of the masses, while Zionists and Arab feudalists will vie for imperialist favors….

And what promises does the Jewish state hold out? Does it really mean a step toward the solution of the Jewish problem?

The partition was not meant to solve Jewish misery nor is it likely ever to do so. This dwarf of a state which is too small to absorb the Jewish masses cannot even solve the problems of its citizens. The Hebrew state can only infest the Arab East with anti-Semitism and may well turn out — as Trotsky said — a bloody trap for hundreds of thousands of Jews.

— Published in Fourth International, May 1948


Workers Hammer No. 196

WH 196

Autumn 2006



Down with UN intervention! Israel out now!

US/Britain out of Iraq, Afghanistan! Hands off Iran!

For a socialist federation of the Near East!


Airport "terror" scare and government repression


Freedom now for Mumia Abu-Jamal!

New legal papers filed


The Fourth International and the Near East

(Quote of the Week)


On the abolition of ranks in the Red Army





Schism in Scottish Socialist Party

'Holier than thou' parliamentary hopefuls fall out

(Editorial Note)


Workers Power splits over who to tail: Pro-imperialist Labour Party or imperialist-funded social forums


Defend Canadian public workers and British lecturers unions!

Defend the Palestinians!

Zionist backlash over "boycott Israel"

(Young Spartacus pages)