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Workers Hammer No. 193

Winter 2005-2006


14 November 2005

Dear Comrades,

In my speech to your dayschool on “Fighting against capitalist reunification of Germany” published in the Autumn 2005 issue of Workers Hammer, I said Walter Benjamin went to the DDR. He did flee the Nazi regime but he committed suicide in 1940 and thus did not live to see the DDR (where his sister-in-law Hilde Benjamin became Minister of Justice). Also, my English let me down when I said that our candidate in Halle in the Volkskammer elections was a leader of the SED youth organisation; I should have said he had been.

Kurt Weiss


Workers Hammer No. 193

WH 193

Winter 2005-2006


Irish unions show their strength

Wretched deal at Irish Ferries


Imperialist "democracy" means barbarity in Iraq

For a multiethnic revolutionary workers party!


Unions must organise immigrant workers! Full wages and benefits for immigrants!

For solidarity strikes to defend crew members occupying Irish Ferries!

Down with "partnership" and all class collaboration!




Elizabeth King Robertson



Down with racist state of emergency!

Ghetto youth upheavals in France


British, US imperialist troops out of Iraq now!

"International Peace Conference" building illusions in a kinder, gentler imperialism


British imperialism and the myth of the "democratic" war against fascism

Revolutionaries and World War II

(Young Spartacus Pages)