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Australasian Spartacist No. 237

Autumn 2019

Jim Robertson


Last week, Jim Robertson, a central founder of the Spartacist League/U.S. and the International Communist League, died. He was 90 years old and had been a member of the workers movement for more than 70 years. He remained an active collaborator and an essential component of the leadership of the SL/U.S. and of the ICL up until the very end.

His death is a tremendous loss to the ICL. We extend our condolences to Jim’s family and his numerous friends and comrades.

A thorough appreciation of Jim’s life and work, as well as notices for memorials, will be published in an upcoming issue of Workers Vanguard.

Reprinted from Workers Vanguard No. 1153, 19 April

Australasian Spartacist No. 237

ASP 237

Autumn 2019


Election 2019: Bread and Circuses for Workers and Oppressed

For a Revolutionary Workers Party!

Break with Laborism!


Down With the EU!

No Participation in Its Pseudo-Parliament!

For a Socialist United States of Europe, United on a Voluntary Basis!


Imperialist Provocation Against China

Drop the Charges Against Arrested Huawei Executive!


Fascist Massacres Muslims in New Zealand

Capitalism Breeds Fascism


Fighting for Revolutionary Continuity


Jim Robertson



Labour Must Ground Unsafe Planes!

Boeing Crashes: Profit Drive Kills

U.S. Government Approved Flying Death Trap


For a Workers and Peasants Government Centred on the Kanak People!

Independence for Kanaky!

For Permanent Revolution!