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Australasian Spartacist No. 225

Autumn 2015

Notice to Readers

Some readers may have noticed that we have not maintained a quarterly Australasian Spartacist over the last couple of years. Given this reality we have decided to formally reduce our frequency to three times a year. We will maintain Autumn, Winter and Spring issues but skip the Summer issue. Despite reducing our frequency, subscriptions to Australasian Spartacist will continue to be $5 for four issues. We encourage our readers to also subscribe to Workers Vanguard, the Marxist biweekly of the Spartacist League/U.S.


Australasian Spartacist No. 225

ASP 225

Autumn 2015


Down With War on Refugees!

Full Citizenship Rights Now!


Backed by Canberra

U.S. Rulers Fuel East Ukraine Slaughter

Down With Imperialist Sanctions Against Russia! For the Right of Self-Rule in Donetsk, Luhansk!


Capitalist Syriza Government: No Friend of Workers

Imperialists Squeeze Greece


The CIA, the Queen's Agent and the Man Who Got in the Way

Gough Whitlam, 1916-2014


"National Unity" Crusade After Paris Massacres

France: Down With "War on Terror" Repression!


Reporting from Australia

Capitalist Rule Means Racism, Repression and War


Fighting for a Revolutionary Perspective

Class Struggle and the 1975 Sacking of the Whitlam Government


Notice to Readers