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Australasian Spartacist No. 222

Autumn 2014


In the article “Imperialists’ Hands Off Syria!” (ASp No. 221, Spring 2013) we incorrectly referred to François Hollande as the Socialist Party prime minister of France. He is in fact the president of France; the prime minister is Jean-Marc Ayrault.


Australasian Spartacist No. 222

ASP 222

Autumn 2014


Union Tops Push Protectionist Poison as Carmakers Pull Plug

Down With Government/Bosses' Jobs Massacre!

For a Class-Struggle Leadership of the Unions! For a Revolutionary Workers Party!


South Africa: Strikes, Protests Mount

Metal Workers Union Drops Electoral Support to ANC

Forge a Leninist-Trotskyist Party! For a Black-Centred Workers Government!


Defend South Korean Rail Union!


Fears of a New Stolen Generation Grow

Racist Capitalist State Snatches Aboriginal Children




Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants!

Israel: African Refugees Protest Racist State Crackdown


Fascists Mobilise Behind U.S./EU Against Russia

Ukraine Turmoil: Capitalist Powers in Tug of War


Abbott Government's Royal Commission Witchhunt

Hands Off the Unions!