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Australasian Spartacist No. 217

Spring 2012

As we go to press

October 9: With about 75,000 South African miners on strike in the gold and platinum sectors, Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), the world’s biggest platinum producer, has fired 12,000 striking miners for not appearing before disciplinary hearings. The striking Amplats miners are defying the dismissals and vowing to continue the strike until their demands are met. One of the strike leaders declared, “If the mine is going to dismiss us, no one is going to work at the mine.”

Australasian Spartacist No. 217

ASP 217

Spring 2012


Imperialists' Hands Off Syria!


South Africa Lonmin Massacre: ANC-Led Government Has Blood on Its Hands

Miners Win Bitter Strike, Strike Wave Spreads


As we go to press


Down With Bosses' Anti-Union Laws!

For Class Struggle to Defeat Grocon/Baillieu Union Busting!

Break With Laborism! We Need a Revolutionary Workers Party!


Bogus Rape Claims and Imperialist Vendetta

Hands Off Julian Assange!


Police Association Quits Trades Hall in Victoria

Cops, Prison Guards Out of the Unions!


International Protests Against Lonmin Massacre


COSATU Congress: Bureaucrats Burn Literature Supporting Striking Mineworkers


For Workers Solidarity Around the Pacific Rim!

U.S.-South Korea Trade Pact Targets China, Korean Workers