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Australasian Spartacist No. 208

Autumn 2010


In “Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants!” (ASp No. 207, Summer 2009/2010), we stated that a 5 December Melbourne rally, “Let the refugees into Australia,” was organised by the Refugee Action Collective (RAC). According to their website, it was also organised by “other refugee advocates.” Our article also noted this rally “deepsixes even the usual reformist opposition to mandatory detention.” This statement correctly takes up the advertised rally demands albeit, on the day, RAC reportedly carried a banner “No Mandatory Detention” alongside reformist slogans including calling on Australian capitalism to “Process Refugees Claims in Australia.”

Australasian Spartacist No. 208

ASP 208

Autumn 2010


Afghanistan: Imperialists Escalate Occupation

All U.S., NATO and Australian Troops Out Now!


Haiti Earthquake Horror:

Imperialism, Racism and Starvation


Britain: Fascists Feed on Labour Government Racism


Abolish the Racist Death Penalty!

U.S. Supreme Court of Death Rules Against Mumia Abu-Jamal

Mumia Is Innocent--Free Him Now!



On Australian Imperialism and Labor Reformism




Anti-Communist Opportunists Fall Out

DSP Endgame; RSP Same Old Game


Defend Simon Singh! Defend Scientific Medicine!