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Australasian Spartacist No. 196

Spring 2006

Witness Statement

31st August 2006.

To whom it may concern.

On 29th August, I had attended a workers’ support rally which had just finished at the Law Centre square, crn. Williams and Latrobe Streets Melbourne. It was about 12.30 PM and I was mingling with the crowd when my attention was drawn to a lady who I later learned was Linda, and a young man conversing loudly to each other. It appeared they were selling some kind of newspapers, each different to the other. Suddenly the man s[t]ruck Linda on the jaw. Thinking they were friends rough housing, but also feeling he had struck her fairly hard, even in fun, I looked on as the man hastily walked away.

However, Linda, visibly upset and close to tears, chased him in apparent frustration, hitting him a couple of times on the shoulder and calling to him that he had no right to strike her. The man stopped, turned to Linda and denied hitting her. At this stage, realising the gravity of the situation, I intervened, stepping between them. The man turned and rapidly walked away into the crowd.

I tried to calm Linda who was in tears. She settled down to a degree and explained to me the lead up to the incident. I agreed to be a witness if need be and gave her my phone number. We walked to a trestle manned by a group who the young man apparently represented where we both informed them of the unfortunate event. They appeared genuinely concerned and wanted to know who and where the chap was, but he was nowhere to be seen. Linda walked away in tears. They asked me, and I told them once more what I had seen and my concern at a bad divisive image it presented at such a rally, and my view that a man hitting a woman is a cowardly act under any circumstance. I was impressed with their sincere upset of our report and I told them I would be a witness if Linda was going to pursue it. The lass behind the trestle expressed her regret at the whole affair, saying they would try and find who was responsible.

I wish to state that I am not affiliated with any party, political or other wise. I have not previously met Linda or the young chap who struck her. I am giving this statement purely for my own ethical reasons, this being as previously stated, that a man resorting to violence on a woman is displaying an act of extreme weakness of character and cowardice.

Aussie (Austin) Sadler.


Australasian Spartacist No. 196

ASP 196

Spring 2006


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