Workers Vanguard No. 1163

18 October 2019


Tim Wohlforth: Who Was That Roadkill?

We recently learned of the death of Tim Wohlforth, once a slavish running dog for the brutal and corrupt regime of Gerry Healy’s International Committee of the Fourth International. Later Wohlforth became a sniveling anti-communist.

In the early 1960s, Wohlforth, operating as Healy’s toady, was the fingerman for the expulsion of our founding cadre in the Revolutionary Tendency from the Socialist Workers Party. From this attempt to wreck the fight to defend the revolutionary heritage of Trotskyism in the U.S., Wohlforth went on to destroy dozens of potential communist cadre during his time as leader of the Workers League. Later portraying himself as a repentant ex-Leninist and saved-again sinner, he tried to cover for his crimes as the enforcer of Healy’s Stalin-style apparatus, lyingly equating Leninism with Stalinism and fervently promoting the bloody interests of U.S. imperialist “democracy.”

We aren’t going to spill a lot of ink on this revolting renegade. For those who would like to learn more about Wohlforth’s sordid history, we recommend our English-language Spartacist article, “Wohlforth: Who Is This Road Kill?” (No. 52, Autumn 1995) as well as the earlier “Confessions of a ‘Renegade’: Wohlforth Terminated” (reprinted in “Healyism Implodes,” Spartacist No. 36-37, Winter 1985-86).